Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA)
IACRA is the web-based certification/rating application that guides the user through the FAA's airman application process. IACRA helps ensure applicants meet regulatory and policy requirements through the use of extensive data validation. It also uses electronic signatures to protect the information's integrity, eliminates paper forms, and prints temporary certificates.
Coming Soon!
- Inspection Authorization Renewal will be available for the applicants around February 18, 2025
IACRA Version 11.2
This release contains the following changes:
- CFI and CFI Sport certificates will no longer have expiration dates SeeFAA rule 202489 FR 80020.
- CFI and CFI Sport can now update their 'recency' (formerly renewal) if they are qualified under the WINGS program.
- CFI and CFI Sport will have 3 months after their 'recency experience end date' to reinstate via Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC).
- Sport Pilot application (8710-11) form has received substantial updates including the incorporation of Aviation English Language Standard (AELS) questions.
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What is the FTN?
The FTN (FAA Tracking Number) is assigned to you by the FAA after you complete your registration in IACRA. Please record your FTN as it will be required later by your instructor and/or certifying officer.
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Paperwork Reduction ActA federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Numbers associated with this information collection are 2120-0007, 2120-0021, 2120-0022, 2120-0690, and 2120-0724. Information concerning the estimated burdens associated with collections of information that occur via this system is organized by OMB Control Number on www.reginfo.gov. FAA | 8710-1 | 8710-13 | 8710-11 | 8400-3 | 8610-2 | 8060-71 (To view, download Adobe Reader here.)
IACRA v. 11.2.2 |
Privacy Act Statement
Privacy Act Statement (5 U.S.C. § 552a, as amended):
Authority: The Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application collects information from individuals in accordance with 49 U.S.C. §§ 106(g), 40113, 44702, 44703, 44709, 44710,
44711(a)(2)(A) 44709 and 14 CFR Parts 61 and 107, subpart C.
Purpose: The information collected will be used to identify and evaluate your qualifications and eligibility for the issuance of an airman certificate and/or rating. Providing the social security number is optional and the purpose of collecting the social security number is to identify you from persons who may have the same name.
Routine Uses: The information collected on this form will be included in a Privacy Act System of Records
DOT/FAA 847, Aviation Records on Individuals. Records may be disclosed in accordance with the routine uses that appear in and will be subject to the routine uses published in the System of Records Notice for DOT/FAA 847 including:
(a) Provide basic airmen certification and qualification information to the public upon request; examples of basic information include:
- • The type of certificates and ratings held;
- • The date, class, and restrictions of the latest physical airman’s certificate number;
- • The status of the airman’s certificate (i.e., whether it is current or has been amended, modified, suspended or revoked for any reason);
- • The airman’s home address, unless requested by the airman to be withheld from public disclosure per 49 U.S.C. 44703(c);
- • Information relating to an individual’s physical status or condition used to determine statistically the validity of FAA medical standards; and
- • Information relating to an individual’s eligibility for medical certification, requests for exemption from medical requirements, and requests for review of certificate denials.
(b) Use contact information to inform airmen of meetings and seminars conducted by the FAA regarding aviation safety.
The Department has also published 14 additional routine uses applicable to all DOT Privacy Act systems of records. These routine uses are published in the Federal Register at 75 FR 82132, December 29, 2010, and 77 FR 42796, July 20, 2012, under ‘‘Prefatory Statement of General Routine Uses’’ (available at
Disclosure: Submission of all requested data is voluntary. Providing the social security number is optional and if provided will prevent misidentifying persons who may have the same name. Failure to provide all the required information with the exception of social security number would result in you not being issued a certificate and/or rating.